QBIS - Retombées en matière d’emploi de la mise en œuvre de 40 GW d’éolien en mer en France à l’horizon 2050



In 2019-2075, a total of around 436,000 direct FTE are assessed to be associated with planning, producing, maintaining, operating and decommissioning 40 GW offshore wind in France. Across foundation types, around 158,300 direct FTE are assessed to be associated with fixed foundation, while around 277,700 direct FTE are assessed to be associated with floating foundation.

The distribution of FTE across offshore wind farm lifecycles reveals the need for a massive build-up of labour supply up to around 2031, where it peaks with around 6,400 FTE/year for fixed and around 13,600 FTE/year for floating totaling around 20,000 FTE/year. The maximum number of direct and indirect jobs in French-based companies associated with the 40 GW in 2050 is assessed to around 19,300 FTE in 2031.



The results of the study were presented in Copenhagen on 28 August 2023 and Paris on 3 October 2023 for audiences consisting of offshore wind farm operators, owners and suppliers and relevant public authorities. The study results are intended to be shared to anybody having interests in using its content to support the development of offshore wind in France and to anybody contributing to the development of the skilled work force needed for France to achieve its offshore ambitions. 


PowerPoint Presentation (qbis-consulting.com)